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Archive for Appearances

My Romantic Times — Day 1

2014-05-14 13.23.19There’re a lot of reasons for an author to go to the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention.  For starters, it’s packed with readers who love all kinds of books.  Second, it’s packed full of all kinds of great pros.

This year, the third reason was it was in New Orleans.

For me, the trip did not start on a high note.  The flight down was as pleasant as a flight can be these days, even though we had to set out at OHMYGODWHOSEIDEAWASTHIS-thirty in the morning.  Even though we had to change planes in Charlotte.  The Charlotte airport, by the way, has a lovely atrium with trees and rocking chairs, and some fairly decent barbeque, so it is now high on my list of decent airports.

Anyway, on the second leg, I began feeling the ominous prickling that meant I had not in fact dodged my husband’s cold as I had hoped.  Bleh.

Still, flight was uneventful, got to the hotel just fine and checked in.  I will say here the J.W. Marriott provided great service for the entire stay.  And they are not giving me extra loyalty points for that.

I was rooming with the fabulous Cindy Spencer Pape and after we got unpacked and registered, we did what comes natural.  We went out into the French Quarter to shop and dine.  Mostly we stuck to Chartres and Royal, and O.M. Friggin’ G. did we see the shinies and the pretties.  Oh, and then there were these guys:

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On the way down Chartes, we found a great little bar/restaurant whose name I’m forgetting and I had chicken and waffles for the first time.  Unfortunately, I found I really like it, especially with honey glaze and hot sauce.  Don’t judge me.

On the way back, while purusing the vintage and antique pretties, we also found Cafe Biegnet, and I got to be there when Cindy had her first.  I hadn’t been to NOLA for over a decade, and the bienets were as good as I remembered, if not a little bit better.  Now, I know most people say Cafe Du Monde for your biegnet needs, but I myself am a Cafe Biegnet partisan for a couple of reasons: 1) bigger biegnets and 2) sheltered seating which reduces the instance of powdered sugar attacks.

It having been an unbelievably early morning, it was declared an early night.  Especially as my cold was not getting any better, and doing so fairly rapidly.


Faeriecon East

Whew!  I am back from Faeriecon East, and I had a fabulous time.  So many great people to meet, including but in no way limited limited: to Charles de Lint, Jim Butcher, Melissa Marr, and Althea Kontis, not to mention all the fabulous folks who attended my workshop on writing magic systems and made it such a special event.

Away from the panels, there was dancing, there was shopping, there was music, and there were costumes.  Oh, my G*d!  Were there some truly astounding costumes.
I am not one of nature’s photographers, but here’s a tiny sample of the fairies encountered over the weekend:

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